I dag er det Luciadagen. Da ungene var små var det jo Lucia feiring i barnehage og skole. Men vi har også vår egen lille Lucia! Den ble kjøpt fra Panduro på 70/80 tallet. På svensk TV er det så fint Lucia program på morgenen, iår fra Malmø, som vi tok opp. Så idag har vi hatt koselig Lucia formiddag med Lucia-lysestaken, lussekatter og Lucia på TV. Det er god oppbygging til julefeiringen :)
Today it is Saint Lucy's Day. In Norway the day is celebrated in schools and kindergartens with Lucia procession, where a girl is dressed like Lucia with a wreath with lighted candles on her head. We have got the celebration from Sweden, where it is an older tradition. There the young girls dressed like Lucia woke up the rest of the family early in the morning, when it still was dark. They also had special cakes, Lussekatter, for this day. We have our own little Lucia at home! I bought this from Panduro at the 70/80's. On Swedish TV they send from a Lucia procession and concert early in the morning, this year from Malmø. We taped it, so now we have had a nice time with our Lucia candlestick, Lussekatter and Lucia on TV. It is a very good way to prepare for Christmas :)
It is strange, I don't know why but in Bergamo, the town where I was born, Santa Lucia is more important that Christmas day for children. It's a tradition almost unique in northern Italy, only in my town and in the nearby this celebratione does exist. Something really scandinavian!