I fjor da vi skulle feire påske og det ble nedstengning av Norge på grunn av korona, trodde vi det var en engangsopplevelse at familien ikke kunne samles i påska. Det var utenkelig at vi også i år må feire påske hver for oss. Men slik ble det. Vi bor i en av kommunene med høyest smittetrykk med den britiske mutantversjonen. Så vi må som i fjor samles til familiespillkveld via nettet. Det er i hvertfall fint at den muligheten finnes. Kirkene er også stengt så den kristne påskefeiringen blir også via PC eller TV.Last year when we should celebrate Easter and there was a lockdown in Norway due to the corona, we thought it was a one-time experience that the family could not gather at Easter. It was not in our imagination that we again this year had to celebrate Easter separately because of the corona. But that's how it turned out. We live in one of the municipalities with the highest pressure with the British mutant version right now. So we have to, as last year, gather for a family game night via the internet. At least, it is good that the opportunity to see each other in that way exists. The churches are also closed so the Christian Easter celebration will also be via PC or TV.
Da guttene var små ble det produsert mange påskekyllinger, dette er de siste restene av kylling rockebandet! Det var pianist og trommis også, men de har gått i oppløsning. When the boys were little, many Easter chickens were produced, these are the last remnants of the chicken rock band! There were a pianist and a drummer too, but there is nothing left of them.
Dette paret strikket jeg i 2008, mannen min sier det er oss to 💕😊
I knitted these two in 2008, my husband says it's the two of us 💕😊

Her er en link til da jeg laget dem! Here is a link to when I made them!
En liten samling typiske ting for den norske påska. Jeg vil fortelle litt mer om det for mine utenlandske bloggvenner.
For the international followers of my blog I will tell you about some traditional Norwegian Easter customs.
Here are some elements that everyone associates with Easter. Daffodils has the Norwegian name Påskeliljer = Easter lilies, probably because that they could start to bloom at Easter.

Yellow is the main Easter color, we deocrate with yellow flowers, yellow candles, yellow napkins, yellow table runners..... The chicken is originally a symbol of new life. All children get a big cardboard egg filled with candy. Many people travel to the mountains for skiing. And then orange and Kvikk Lunsj are old traditional snacks when they take a break in the snow and sun. Well, it is also a popular snacks for us that have a walk/hike here where it is not snow :) Kvikk Lunsj is a chocolate very much like KitKat. Then we have this strange Norwegian tradition about reading and watching crime stories! The origin is a bit unclear. But possibly the publishers have created a tradition of publishing new crime books as easy-to-read Easter vacation reading.
For noen dager siden var vi på en liten tur til favorittstedet vårt som jeg viste bilder fra for to uker siden. Da var vi så heldige å få se to elger som gikk rolig over åkeren litt lengre borte. De var flotte å se på i kikkerten. Jeg prøvde å ta bilde av dem med mobilen, men de var litt for langt borte til at det ble bra. Her likevel et lite inntrykk. A few days ago we were on a little trip to our favorite place that I showed pictures from two weeks ago. Then we were so lucky to see two moose walking calmly across the field a little further away. They were great to look at in binoculars. I tried to take a picture of them with my mobile, but they were a little too far away for it to be good. Here, however, a small impression.
Interesting to read about your Norwegian Easter customs. Especially reading and watching crime stories. My Pasque flower has lots of buds and I hope it will open before the end of the week. Our temperature was below freezing again last night so maybe that's slowing down the flowers. It's sad that we can't be with our families again this year. Maybe it's better we didn't know last year just how long the restrictions would last.
SvarSlettThose moose are HUGE! Even far away it's easy to tell that they are just gigantic. Wow! I have not seen one in real life. I did however see an African Oryx; we have them here in the Las Cruces, New Mexico area. I love the yellow colors of Easter! Such a happy color. Thank you for sharing some of the Norwegian traditions. I have to laugh because I for some reason watch the crime stories also, binge on them while cross stitching. Your Easter decorations from the past are adorable and certainly family treasures!
SvarSlettThank you for sharing your Easter customs. May I wish you and yours a happy and blessed Easter, Marit
SvarSlettNei, lite ante vi i fjor at denne pandemien skulle vare over ett år. Men nå er det lys i tunellen med vaksina innen rekkevidde. Men inntil videre får vi holde avstand og holde ut og være glad at vi er to.
SvarSlettGod påske til deg fra meg!
I'm sorry you won't be able to celebrate Easter with family again this year. We are still doing the same here, even though we received our second dose of Pfizer Vaccine today. So far, no side effects. We are among the 15% of Americans now vaccinated so feel pretty lucky.
SvarSlettWe won’t be able to see our children for Easter we are again in lockdown tomorrow for four weeks.
SvarSlettMy daughter and I love the Norwegian or Swedish crime book and films.
I wish you a Happy Easter time.
Kjære Marit, jeg ønsker deg og dine en god påske. Ha det veldig hyggelig og kos med krimi din
SvarSlettog all de herlige menneskene du kan møte.
Vi har fortsatt mange begrensninger... også, men vi får mest mulig ut av det, vel.
Det er hyggelig å se påske din, de er nesten helt som våre :-)) I år sydde jeg imidlertid kurver til påske ... men med stoffer som passer for hele året. Jeg tror det vil bli veldig godt mottatt :-) I stedet for en påskekrimi - det er ikke en tradisjon hos oss - jeg lese min siste bok av Lars Mytting, som jeg kunne kjøpe, "Søsterklokkene" »ble utgitt i 2018.
p.s. i morgen spiser vi lam, poteter og grønne bønner - og det er også en forskjell for Norge, vi spiser det varme måltidet rundt kl. 12 - 13. Klem fra Viola. Kos deg.