Da var Cecilie Skog genseren ferdig! Veldig godt fornøyd med den. Synes de mønsterstrikkede "trærne" ble fine. Passer jo fint både til navnet og hennes naturglede :) Jeg liker ikke så godt korte gensere, så jeg strikket den litt lengre enn etter oppskriften. Den er myk og lett å ha på. Garnet er Kos fra Sandnes og jeg brukte 295g garn. Oppskriften er også fra Sandnes garn.
The Cecilie Skog sweater is done! Very happy with it. I do not like short sweaters, so I knit it a little longer than the pattern said. It is soft and easy to wear, and I like the knitted "trees". The yarn is Kos from Sandnes and I used 295g yarn. The pattern is also from Sandnes yarn. To information for my foreigner readers: Cecilie Skog is a Norwegian female adventurer and explorer. Her name Skog, means forest, so the trees fits well to her name and also to her adventures and love for the nature.
Svalbard cruise på TV. Svalbard cruise on TV.
NRK har jo sendt Minutt for minutt cruise fra Svalbard denne uka. Da ble det mye tid i sofaen foran skjermen med strikketøyet! Fantastiske bilder av en fantastisk natur. Det var vanskelig å rive seg løs fra skjermen, stadig var det noe fint å se. Stor variasjon av fjelltyper, isbreer, gamle fangsthytter, isbjørn, hvithval, polarrev, fugleliv. Og mye spennende historie fortalt. Jeg har oppdaget hvor flott og stort Svalbard er, nå er det ikke bare noen "små" øyer på værkartet.
NRK, the Norwegian Broadcast, has sent Minute by Minute, slow TV, from a cruise from Svalbard on TV this week. Svalbard is a group of islands far up north in the sea. Then there was a lot of time spent on the couch in front of the screen with the knitting! Fantastic pictures of a fantastic nature. It was hard to move away from the screen, there was always something nice to see. Large variety of mountain types, glaciers, old hunting huts, polar bears, white whales, polar foxes, bird life. And a lot of exciting history was told. I have discovered how beautiful and big Svalbard is. Now Svalbard is not just some "small" islands on the weather map. If you don't know what Minute by minute TV, or slow TV is - "From Wikipedia: Slow television, or slow TV (Norwegian: Sakte-TV), is a term used for a genre of "marathon" television coverage of an ordinary event in its complete length. Its name is derived both from the long endurance of the broadcast as well as from the natural slow pace of the television program's progress. "
We Norwegians love it!
Til slutt noen bilder fra en tur langs en vei på Vister. Der er det alltid mange hester som kommer ned til gjerdet og hilser på når vi går forbi, så vi kaller det "hesteveien" :)
Finally some pictures from a walk along a road on Vister. There are always many horses coming down to the fence to say hello, when we pass by, so we call it the "horse road" :)
Og et bilde av utsikten derfra, det ser ikke mye ut som vinter! And a picture of the view from there, it doesn't look much like winter!
Beautiful jumper, beautiful horses and beautiful country. I'm not sure I should enjoy "slow TV" though
SvarSlettDen genseren kledde du godt! Kjempefin grønnfarge! Det er nok mange som har landa foran fjernsynet denne uka. Kjempebra med sakte-tv! Ser det er bart hos deg. Her har vi snø, og mer skal det visst komme neste døgnet.
SvarSlettFortsatt god helg!
Lovely sweater. I agree, longer sweaters seem to look better.
SvarSlettSlow TV sounds like what one would see looking out a window and observing nature if you lived in a beautiful area ( like the islands that were featured).
Yes, it is almost like looking out a window, but the sceneries change slowly all the time. It is as if you looked out the window on a moving ship. I think that's the only way I'm going to experience a cruise in the Arctic :)
SlettWatching documentaries is something I love doing. It would be interesting to try your Slow TV as sometimes I find programs jump ahead too quickly. Your sweater is really nice and looks lovely on you.
SvarSlettI think that's the only way I'm going to experience a cruise in the Arctic :)
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