Det er et lite syetui med stitchery broderi. Mønsteret til det fant jeg i det australske bladet Creating Country threads.
In connection with the GROW YOUR BLOG PARTY I have a little giveaway. It is a little needlecase. I found the pattern in the Australian magazine Creating Country Threads.
Give awayen er åpen for alle. Denne gangen blir det bare mulighet til et lodd på hver. Alle som legger inn en kommentar her blir med på trekningen. Trekningen foretas 15. februar.
The give away is open to all. I will also be sending international. This time there will be only one chance to win for each. Everyone who leaves a comment here, are part of the draw.
The drawing will be on February 15.
Jeg melder meg gjerne som den første. Lekkert sy-etui som sikkert frister mange!
SvarSlettLykke til med giborten!
God helg fra Ingunn
Vil jo være med på trekningen av
SvarSlettdette flotte sy-etuiet.
Gleder meg til vottene blir ferdige (Du kan jo bare sende de sammen med dette etuiet, hehe)
Ønsker deg ei velsignet god helg :)
Dette vil jeg gjerne være med på!
SvarSlettVeldig fint! -Margit-
Jeg er gjerne med på trekningen av dette flotte sy-etuiet. ☺
SvarSlettFlotte votter i forrige innlegg!!
SvarSlettJeg blir gjerne med på give-away, morsomt! Og veldig fin gevinst!!
Ønsker deg en fin helg!
Veldig gjerne jeg vil være med på.
SvarSlettHerlige sy etui.
Masse glede deg med give away Marit.
Klem fra Viola
Hi Marit...nice to meet you. You have a lovely blog and your work is very pretty.
SvarSlettCount me in please Marit!!
SvarSlettLove the table runner and bags. Thanks for visiting my blog today. Please enter me in your giveaway.
SvarSlettJudy in Colorado
Attic Raggedys
Jeg blir med! :)
SvarSlettTakk for sjansen til å vinne et så lekkert sy etui. Ha en flott søndag!
What a lovely little needle holder. Enjoyed visiting you via Grow My Blog
SvarSlettYour work is lovely. Your needle book very cute.
SvarSlettI have enjoyed visiting your blog.
New follower. I am having fun finding new bloggers to follow...love sewing and quilting. Greetings from Oklahoma, USA. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
SvarSlettMarit, thanks for the chance to win the beautiful needle case. You are very talented, your stitchery is fantastic!
SvarSlettDenne var nydelig. Jeg samler på nåleputer og nålemapper, og vil jo gjerne ha denne i samlingen min. Tusen takk.
SvarSlettCute sewing case!
SvarSlettWhat a sweet little needle case. I could sure use it.
SvarSlettyes - a beautiful needlecase! The birds are so joyous! I though I had commented here, but do not see it :) please enter me in the giveaway! I follow your blog ~
SvarSlettHi, Marit - I am visiting from the Blog Party, and have just become your newest Follower. SO pleased to meet you - it IS fun when you actually get to meet someone you've met through Blogging (I read your prior post, too)...I actually had the pleasure of meeting Vicki from 2 Bags Full, and her husband, last year. Will be back for more reading - Happy Tuesday! Tanya
SvarSlettHello , my name is Dawn your my one stop on the blog party, Hope that I soon will be friends with all of you cyber neighbors. I just say that 600 plus bloggers that sign up to the Party and I don’t have a lot of blog time in for I just started blogging when I joined the blog party it was my New Year resolution. Reading my 340 blog and more to go. but I like all things creative n thrifty. Whew a lot of good read and great giveaways. Thanks for this opportunity to join friends with you and be apart of your giveaway. Can't wait to see more of your great projects in the making. My site http://overboardcreations.blogspot.com/and contact info is ovr_brd@yahoo.com
Hei, ja jeg rekker vel å bli med jeg og.
SvarSlettVelkommen som følger av min blogg. :-) Ha en fin helg!