It has been a lovely spring week with sun and warmer weather and it shows in nature. The buds are on the way to be leaves on many trees and shrubs and give a greenish light. Along the path, there is Wood Anemones everywhere.
Vi så også noen fugler som vi trodde måtte være ender, men vi klarte ikke å finne dem i fugleboken. Vi sendte et bilde til en fuglenettside, og fikk til svar at det var rømte tamender! Vi har ikke sett dem de siste dagene så kanskje de har funnet veien hjem igjen. We also saw some birds that we thought must be ducks, but we couldn't find them in the bird book. We sent a picture to a bird website, and got a reply that it was domestic ducks that had run away! We haven't seen them in the last few days so maybe they have found their way back home.
En vakker bukett av hvitveis ble med hjem og fikk plass i den lille muggen jeg har fra barndommen. Den pleide være fylt med blåveis som var min barndoms vårblomst, det var masse blåveis rundt barndomshjemmet mitt. Men det har jeg ikke funnet her på vår nye øy.
A beautiful bouquet of Wood Anemones was brought home and found a place in the small jug I have from childhood. It used to be filled with blue Liverleaf /Liverworth, which was the spring flower of my childhood, there were lots of them around my childhood home. But I haven't found them here on our new island.