Vi gikk Trondheim på kryss og tvers og opp og ned, nei opp er ikke helt sant. De bor ved Tyholttårnet og det er ganske bratt å gå oppover dit fra byen, så da tok vi bussen :) Men ned derfra til byen gikk vi.
Det var kaldt og regnbyger på lørdag, men vi hadde det bra likevel. I have been at a fantastic weekend inTrondheim, where the youngest son and girlfriend live. They have limited space so I stayed at the hotel on Bakklandet, facing the typical buildings along the river. We went Trondheim across and up and down, no up is not entirely true. They live close to Tyholt tower at the top of the hills, and it is quite steep to walk up there from the town, so up we took the bus :) But down from there to the town we went. It was cold and rain showers on Saturday but we enjoyed it anyway.

Nidarosdomen fikk vi bare sett utenfra på lørdag for det var et bryllup der, så vi måtte tilbake på søndag for å komme inn. Inne er det ikke lov å fotografere så det blir bare bilder utenfra, men det var et mektig inntrykk. At Nidaros Cathedral, we didn't get in on Saturday, because there was a wedding , so we had to return on Sunday to get inside. Inside it is not allowed to take pictures so I only have pictures outside, but it was a mighty impression.

Og her - mor og sønn. And here - mother and son.
Det er mange koselige gamle bygninger i gatene. There are many charming old buildings in the streets.
Og her er andre siden av de samme bygningene innebygd i kjøpesenteret Trondheim Torg! And here are the same buildings at the back side, build into the mall Trondheim Torg!
Akkurat da jeg hadde sagt at jeg var ikke interessert i å shoppe, lå det plutselig en garnbutikk der. Da kom jeg på uttrykket jeg har lest på FB : "Jeg er ikke så lett å distrahere, jeg bare.... Oi.. se... garn!!"
Just when I had said that I was not interested in shopping, there was suddenly a yarn shop in front of me. Then I remembered the phrase I read on FB: "I'm not that easy to distract, I just .... Wow .. see ... yarn!"
Masse nydelig garn, men jeg klarte å beherske meg ganske bra. Bare et nøste Fame sokkegarn og et nøste Hverdags ble med hjem. Lots of lovely yarn, but I managed to restrain myself pretty good. Just a skein Fame sock yarn and a skein Hverdags was with me home.
Etter mange timers vandring smakte det godt med italiensk middag. Og dette var bare noen små glimt fra lørdagens opplevelser. Fortsettelse følger.....
After many hours of walking, it tasted good with Italian dinner. This was just a small glimpse of Saturday's experiences. Sunday experiences will follow. To be continued .....
What a wonderful trip! I couldn't stay out of that yarn shop!!!
SvarSlettYou have some terrific images of the trip even though you couldn't get inside some places. We have the same situation when we travel and are sometimes disappointed, but find we have some good shots from the outside when we download them all.
Your son would fit right into my family with that red hair. My two brothers and I are both redheads as was our father. :)
Hugs from rainy Cincinnati, USA,
Så virkelig ut som en koselig helg. Og Tronheim er jo bare en fantastisk by med plenty av historie og fotomotiver :)
SvarSlettØnsker deg en hærlig dag
Klem fra Siv
Such magnificent buildings, Marit. It certainly looks like a fascinating place!