New socks finished! They're called When Doves Cry. I am not completely satisfied with the yarn, it looked nice with beautiful colors. But do not think the color changes were perfectly on socks. I think it fits better with shawls. I have some more of it, and I will use that for shawls. The yarn was also very thin in some places, so I'm not sure how durable it is. I want to use these socks myself, so not any buyer gets disappointed. The yarn is called Magic Sock Yarn and is from Mayflower. So it is a well known brand.
Sokker nr. 8 - 2019
Design: Knitty Melissa
Garn: Magic Sock Yarn 65g
Pinner: 2,25mm
Marsutfordring på Sock Knitters Anonymous:
Tema: Musikk. When Doves Cry, er en sang av Prince.
Snøen som kom forrige uke er ikke helt borte enda. Forrige søndag var det fint å sitte i sola å strikke, det satte katten vår Iris også pris på. The snow that came last week is not completely gone yet. Last Sunday it was nice to sit in the sun to knit, our cat Iris also appreciated it.
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