Her kommer februar bildene av mine to utvalgte trær. Here are the February photos of my two selected trees.
Bildene er tatt 1.februar. Det var så flott vær med sol. I dag kom det litt snø igjen, men det er vel noe en må regne med, det er jo vinter! The pictures were taken on February 1st. The weather was so beautiful with sunshine. Today there was a little snow again, but that's something to be expected, it's winter after all!
Julemorgensokkene med hjerter er ferdige. The Christmas morning socks with hearts are finished.
Nå har jeg begynt på stitchery brodering. Mønstrene er fra Jenny of ELEFANTZ,
Det er små broderier som får en ramme av stoffstrimler og skal sys sammen til et veggbilde til slutt. Det heter Joy in the ordinary - Glede i det ordinære. Hun har en fin blogg med mange fine broderimønstre.
Now I have started stitchery embroidery. The patterns are from Jenny of ELEFANTZ .
It is small embroideries that are framed with fabric strips and are sewn together to make a wall picture in the end. It is called Joy in the ordinary. She has a nice blog with many beautiful embroidery patterns.
It is small embroideries that are framed with fabric strips and are sewn together to make a wall picture in the end. It is called Joy in the ordinary. She has a nice blog with many beautiful embroidery patterns.
I love jenny's blog and her beautiful stitching.