Now it is July and it has gotten cold, today it is blowing and it has rained a lot. But in June it was great summer weather, the average temperature for June was higher than normal. There were several days of around 30 C. Then it was nice that we had a summer visit last week in June. It's always nice when the family gathers. This time was the youngest son with girlfriend, and middle son, at home at the same time. It was nice to get help with pruning in the garden!

Det ble også tid til sommeraktiviteter, pilkast også denne gangen. There was also time for summer activities, darts this time as well.
Og inne var det nostalgisk glede med gamle Nintendo spill! And inside, there was nostalgic joy with old Nintendo games!
Når det ikke er så ofte vi samles ble det feiring med kake på etterskudd av en 31 årsdag, og en 37 årsdag, og på forskudd en 25 årsdag og 45 års bryllupsdag :) When it is not so often we gather there was celebration with cake of a 31st birthday, and a 37th birthday belated, and in advance a 25th birthday and 45th wedding anniversary :)
Så var det oppsummering av garn brukt i juni: Yarn used in June:
Garn fra lager/ from stash: 122g
Nytt garn/new yarn: 132g
Totalt 254g