It is soon the end of February and I have finally started on the February squares in the "Årsteppealong". This month it is"kont" knitting. I don't know the English word for this knitting technique. I'm done with one square, it is common kont knitting. I have started on square 2 which is a bit more unusual kont knitting. There is one stitch = one square. I will try to finish it this weekend. - My blog friend Lois tells me that this technique is called Entrelac in English, thank you Lois!
Nå har vi et nydelig vårvær. Det er jo bare februar ennå, så vi kan det kan jo fort bli litt vinter igjen, men nå lever vi i øyeblikket og bare nyter det! Og som bildene viser nyter også katten vår Iris, vårsola. Hun løp rundt og lekte så lykkelig med halen til værs da jeg var ute. Opp og ned i trærne. These days we have a lovely spring weather. It's only February yet, so we can quickly get some winter again, but now we live in the moment and just enjoy it! And as the pictures show our cat Iris also enjoys the spring sun. She ran around and played so happy with her tail in the air when I was out. Up and down the trees.
Slike dager det godt å være til, enten man er katt eller menneske : )
Days like this it is good to live,whether you are a cat or a human : )