Denne tunikaen har egentlig vært ferdig en stund, men jeg har ikke fått tatt bilde før nå. Den er strikket med en tråd Drops Alpaca og en tråd Drops Kid-Silk på pinner nr 5. Mønsteret er fra Drops design og den har det fine navnet Autumn Flirt. Det skal egentlig være lommer foran på den , men jeg er litt usikker på om jeg vil ha det, så foreløpig har jeg latt det være. Jeg føler meg litt tykk i den. men får vel bare godta at det er sånn jeg er :)
This tunic has actually been finished for a while, but I have not got it photographed until now. It is knitted with one thread of Drops Alpaca and one thread of Drops Kid-Silk on needles 5 . The pattern is from Drops design and it has the nice name Autumn Flirt. It should be pockets on the front of it, but I'm not sure if I want it, so far I have let it be without. I feel a bit thick with it on, but I guess l just have to accept that that's how I am :)
En liten kommentar til det jeg skrev over, nå har jeg brukt tunikaen og stortrives med den :)
A little comment to what I wrote above, I have now used the tunic and love it :)

I have also started Christmas gifts production. First out is Bitta Mittens, designed by Bitta Mikkelborg, a super designer you can visit on Meisebo. She has free patterns and patterns for sale. These mittens are black and that fits well to the November color of Projos color along which is black. They are knitted by Drops Lima, a lovely soft wool / alpaca yarn on needles 4. I like to put the belly belt from the yarn when I give away something, so that the recipient can see washing instructions and what kind of yarn it is. It fit very nicely to enter it right on the mittens :)