Hvis noen har lyst på litt blogghopping i helga anbefaler jeg å besøke Fall into Fall give away. Der er linker til ca 150 blogger med give away!! Mange fine blogger å besøke og mye fint man kan vinne. Det vil bli trekning den 15. oktober.
If somebody is looking for a little blog hopping this weekend, I recommend visiting The Fall into Fall give away. There are links to about 150 blogs with giveaway! Many good blogs to visit and much nice to win. The drawing will be on October 15.
Hei, Marit
SvarSlettHar ikke hørt om denne bloggen før du omtalte den nå. Takk for tips. God helg. Klem fra meg
Hi Marit, how are you?
SvarSlettThank you for the comment in my blog :)
I'm on a diet too, but I have to try those cupcakes...they look so goood :)
So, goog luck tomorrow , ok?
(p.s. if you have problems in understand my tutorials or anything else, tell me and I will do my best to translate for you, ok?