I've got a lovely award from Lois on the blog From Lois' hands, thank you! Lois has a blog where she shows off a lot of nice knitting and crocheting, and nice bread recipes. And she has lots of great pictures from cruises and travels. Right now she also has a giveaway, so go and visit her!
The rules for the award says that I'll pass it on to 15 other blogs. There are so many of my blog friends who have awardfree blog now, so it's not so easy to pass it on. So I decide to leave it open.
Jeg deltok på en del av give awayene som var samlet under Fall into fall, og var så heldig å vinne flott premie hos Kathy's Quilt! Skal vise bilder av premien når jeg får den :)
I joined some of the giveaways that were collected in the Fall Into Fall Quilt Bloggers Giveaway and was so lucky to win a great prize at Kathy's Quilt! I will show pictures of the prize when I get it :)
Hei og takk for kommentar i bloggen min, alltid kjekt å oppdage nye blogger ;)
SvarSlettJeg er kjempefornøyd med både garnvinden og nøstemaskinen, jeg bruker det jo ikke kjempeofte, men jeg har ikke hatt noe problemer med noen av delene. Nå går det som en drøm å nøste hesper ;) Og det var jo en temmelig grei pris på utstyret også ;)
Håper du blir fornøyd ;)
Hello, congrats for being the winner :)
Hei.Gratulerer med Award.Ønsker deg en riktig fin helg.Klem fra Bodil.
SvarSlettIt is swimming across the ocean to you...hope it arrives safely!