Så var april bildet i Stitch 2008 ferdig. Jeg holder meg til red work, så alle blir like.
Sitatet er fra et Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson dikt," Jeg velger meg april."
The April stitching in Stitch 2008 are ready. I keep sewing in red work, so they all
get alike. The words on it means "...because it's smiling, melting....". They are
from a spring poem by Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson , "I am choosing April".
Sweet..what does the sentence mean?
SvarSlettKind regards
Beertje Zonn
Mars...what a lovely stitchery
SvarSlettSuch a sweet little stitchery.
SvarSlettI wonder what you are going to do with it?