Her er et patchwork sampler jeg holder på med. Det er fra Tove Fevangs
bok Lappeteknikk . Et fint prosjekt for å lære meg forskjellige teknikker.
Det første forsøket på å ta bilde kjenner
alle katteeiere seg igjen i, og de andre tenker
"Å nei, ikke fler av de sprø kattene".
Here is a patchwork sampler I am working on.
It is from Tove Fevang's book Lappeteknikk.
A good project to learn different techniques. My first try to
take a picture of it will all cat-owners
recognize, and the others think "Oh no, not more of those crazy cats"
"Å nei, ikke fler av de sprø kattene".
Here is a patchwork sampler I am working on.
It is from Tove Fevang's book Lappeteknikk.
A good project to learn different techniques. My first try to
take a picture of it will all cat-owners
recognize, and the others think "Oh no, not more of those crazy cats"
Flotte blokker. Nydelig pus også. katter er rare sånn, alltid skal de sette sine bein oppi ting de ikke har noe med *s* Min er intet unntak.
SvarSlettVery nice blocks.....and a very cute cat...
SvarSlettAh ah ..I'm one of the others since I have no cats! That's the block you talked me about, very very nice!
SvarSlettDid you receive my mail?
bye bye
Very nice work, I recognize the blocks from the book. I have also made a quilt from that book, a 16
SvarSlettlog cabin block.
I also have the same problem with my two cats, today my old cat did not want to move from the sewing machine table... So I picked up my knitting instead..
Great blocks and nice to see your cat again. They do like to sit on our stitching.
SvarSlettVery cute kitty..isn't it funny how they like to come and sit on our projects? I guess they all want to be quilt inspectors. :)