At first I and my dear husband were on a little getaway to Lampeland Hotel in Numedal. We were lucky and got real warm summer weather, almost too hot. At least with sun in the hotel room the whole afternoon. But it was lovely to sit outside in the shade. And here is a lamp from Lampeland = Lamp land :)
Vi kosa oss med deilig middag, hjemmelagde viltkarbonader og hjemmelaget fylt snitzel. Veldig god mat. We enjoyed delicious dinner, homemade venison meat burgers and homemade stuffed schnitzel. Very good food.
Vi kjørte opp på Blefjell til Blestua og gikk en flott tur i fjellet derfra. We drove to the mountain Blefjell to Blestua. From there we had a nice walk in the mountain with a lovely view.

Ved Blestua var det en lekeplass med en gammel Gråtass traktor. Den måtte jo prøves! By Blestua was a playground with an old Gråtass tractor. It had to be tried! In Norway is Gråtass a very popular character known from children's books, television and film.
På vei tilbake til hotellet var vi innom Flesberg kirke. Den er opprinnelig en stavkirke fra 1200. Det var en veldig spesiell kirkegårdsmur. Den besto av store steinheller, og ble trolig laget på 1600-tallet. Tenk å transportere og sette opp dem ved hjelp av bare hestekraft og menneskekraft! On the way back to the hotel we visited Flesberg Church. It is originally a stave church from 1200. It was a very special fence around the church yard. It consisted of big slates and was probably made in the 1600s. Can you believe how they transported and set them up using only horsepower and human power!
I forbindelse med at Sarpsborg feirer 1000års jubileum har det vært festuke med mange konserter og andre utendørsarrangementer. De var heldig med været også, strålende sommervær hele uka. Det har vært veldig stor oppslutning om arrangementene, mange tusen hver dag. Jeg var og så på Garden som hadde drilloppvisning. Det er alltid like imponerende.
In connection with Sarpsborg's 1000th years anniversary there has been a festival week with many concerts and other outdoor events. They were lucky with the weather as well, glorious summer all week. It has been really great support for all events, thousands of people every day. His Majesty the King's Guard was here with their drill exercises. It is always impressive to watch them.
Forrige lørdag var det stor konsert i Kulås parken med KORK. I den første delen av programmet fikk 400 barn og unge være med å synge i kor og spille i orkester sammen med KORK. Tenk for en opplevelse for disse unge, å opptre for ca 4000 mennesker sammen med KORK! Det var en flott konsert. Last Saturday there was big concert in Kulås park with the professional philharmonic orchestra KORK. In the first part of the program 400 children and young people were singing in choirs and playing with the orchestra. Think what an experience for these young people, to perform for about 4,000 people with KORK! It was a great concert.