En skotsk gatemusikant! A Scottish street musician!
Det var en mektig kirke, enkel med sine steinvegger og søyler, men med praktfulle store glassmalerier. Kontrasten mellom de enkle veggene og glassmaleriene gjorde et sterkt inntrykk. It was a mighty church, simple with its stone walls and columns, but with stunning large glass windows. The contrast between the simple walls and stained glass windows made a strong impression.
When I got there it should be a small church service with Bible reading, sermon and prayer. It was a blessed and good experience.

Derfor er restene av dette området bevart under jorden og en kan bli med på guidet tur og få høre mange historier om folk som bodde der på 1600 tallet, og hvordan de levde. Spennende historiefortelling og spesiell opplevelse. Another Close was Mary King's Close. At the 17-1800's it began to be cramped for space in the town. Therefore, Mary King's Close and a few more Closes, with the houses that belonged to, were covered with a large new building. On a steep slope, it was the practical use of existing buildings as foundation rather than build from scratch.
Therefore, the remnants of this area are preserved underground and one can join a guided tour and hear many stories of people who lived there in the 1600s, and how they lived. Exciting storytelling and a very special experience.
Før og etter

Litt lenger nedover Royal Mile er Museum of Childhood.
A little further down the Royal Mile is the Museum of Childhood.

Der var det morsomt å se på gamle leker.
There it was fun to look at old toys.

Det var jo også mange flotte dukker.
There was of course also a lot of beautiful dolls
Men den som gjorde mest inntrykk på meg var denne. Det sto om denne: Dukke laget av en gammel sko tilhørt fattig barn i London slummen 1905. Jeg tror denne dukken var like elsket av sin eier som de flotte dukkene på det andre bildet.
But the doll that made the greatest impression on me was this. It was written about this: Doll made from an old shoe that belonged to a poor child in the London slums in 1905. I think this doll was just as much loved by it's owner, as the great dolls in the first picture.
Neste stopp var The PEOPLE'S STORY MUSEUM i denne flotte bygningen.
Next stop was THE PEOPLE'S STORY MUSEUM in this great building.
Der var det laget utstillinger med miljøer som fortalte om folks liv.
Jeg syntes det var så morsomt å se på denne lille gutten som fulgte så ivrig med i pappaens fortelling og forklaring av historien. Pappaen var tydeligvis en god historieformidler.
There it was made exhibitions that told of people's lives and history.
I thought it was so nice to watch this little boy that so eagerly listened to his father's explanation of the history. The father was obviously a good storyteller.
Og her er forskjellen på damenes og mennenes verden :)
And here is the difference between the ladies and the mens world :)
Tvers over gata lå Museum of Edinburgh med byhistorie. Så her lå museene på rekke og rad.
Across the street was Museum of Edinburgh with the towns history. So here was the museums lined up.
Noen flere gatebilder - some more impressions from the street.
Fortsettelse følger :) Det var mye å oppleve i Edinburgh!
To be continued :) There was much to see i Edinburgh!