I did a second attempt to knit and felt these mittens (see previous post). This time I put the washing machine on a 40 degree "soft" program and stopped the machine several times to keep up with the felting. And now it went well! Mittens were just the right size for my husband. They were used for the first time today with yet another trip to Mærrapanna, and he was very happy with them, nice and warm.
Det er alltid spennende når vi kommer opp denne bakken, hvordan er utsikten og sjøen idag?
It's always exciting when we get up this hill, how is the view and the sea today?

Og slik var det idag! Sola titta så vidt igjennom en liten åpning i skyene.
And this is how it was today! We could only see the sun through a small opening in the clouds.

Vottene i bruk!
The mittens on!
Her nyter vi livet og utsikten!
Here we are enjoying life and the view!
Etterpå dro vi en liten tur til Gamlebyen i Fredrikstad. Turist guiden sier blant annet dette: "Nord - Europas best bevarte festningsby ligger i ved Glommas utløp i Fredrikstad. Gamlebyen består av bygninger fra 1700-tallet og festningsverk med voller, vanngraver og vollporter. Innbyggertallet ligger på ca. 350 personer som har sine hus eller leilighet her. Mange har sin arbeidsplass og daglige gjøremål her i denne lille byen i byen!"
Then we went to the Old town of Fredrikstad. The tourist guide writes this : "The best preserved fortress town in the Nordic countries consists of buildings from the 18th century and a fortification with walls and moats from the 17th century."
Her er byens grunnlegger Fredrik 2. Han var konge av Danmark og Norge og grunnla byen i 1567.
Here is the city's founder, Fredrik 2. He was king of Denmark and Norway and founded the city in 1567.