In connection with the lighting of the Christmas tree and Christmas streets on Saturday , there was also Christmas on Borgarsyssel museum here in Sarpsborg.

Velkommen inn til sorenskrivergården Snekkenes!
Welcome to the county farm Snekkenes!

I Werenskjold-salen var det pyntet et juletre slik det var beskrevet i et julehefte fra 1892, med blant annet epler, gulrøtter, levende lys, kremmerhus og sommerfugler. Og tynne gulltråder. På denne tiden var juletre noe som bare ble brukt hos de rike. In the Werenskjold hall there was decorated a Christmas tree as it was described in a Christmas magazine from 1892. There was apples, carrots, candles, cones and butterflies. And thin gold threads. At this time the Christmastree was only used by the rich people.
I et annet rom var det dekket opp til kaffe med alle sju slaga. Legg merke til den fine duken, Juletreet her er pyntet med moderne lys og glassdekorasjoner produsert av en kunstner i glassblåseriet på museet. In another room the table was laid for coffee' with Christmas cookies, after the tradition there should be seven kind of cookies. Notice the beautiful table cloth. The Christmas tree here were decorated with electric lights and glass ornaments made by an artist at the glassworks at the museum.
På kjøkkenet var en dame i sving med å steke deilige, sprø Rosettbakkels.
In the kitchen was a lady busy cooking delicious, crispy Rosettbakkels.
In the Berby House it was Christmas Eve morning the year 1865. The table was decorated for Christmas with a nice white tablecloth and candles. The floor was cleand and spread with chopped pine needles. On the table is a Sowcake. It was baked from flour from the last grain that was harvested. It should remain untouched on the table throughout the Christmas season, and be saved for spring. Then a bit of the sowcake was sown with the seeds. That way should the last year's growth be transferred to the next crop.
Utenfor låven var det satt opp fuglenek, og over døra til fjøset var det tegnet et kors med kritt for å beskytte dyra. Outside the barn there was put up sheaves for the birds, and over the door into the barn was painted a cross with chalk to protect the animals.
1950tallet / 1950's
I tiden etter krigen var det boligmangel og mange bodde trangt. Her er en leilighet fra 1950 tallet med både sofa og senger i stua. Med liten plass måtte også juletreet være lite. After the second world war there was a lack of houses and many people had to live in very small apartments. Here's an apartment from 1950's with both sofa and bed in the living room. With limited space the Christmas tree had to be small too.
Det ser ut til at det var populært å brodere duker og løpere til pynt.
It looks like it was popular to embroider table cloths and runners.