Nå er juletreet og huset pyntet til jul og det er tid for å ønske alle mine bloggvenner en riktig GOD JUL!
The Christmas tree and my home is ready for Christmas and it is time to say MERRY CHRISTMAS to all my blog friends!
torsdag 23. desember 2010
fredag 17. desember 2010
Engel og litt småstrikk / An Angel and some small knitted items
Fjordheim has an advent calendar where she shows her many fine angels. Some days she also has a give away. And I've been lucky enough to win this nice angel from her! It was a little difficult to take a good picture of it, there was glare from the flash.
Det blir ikke tid til så mye håndarbeid i disse førjulsdager. Litt småstrikk til Strikkeverdenens ABC har jeg laget. På bokstaven V ble det votter, nusselige små babyvotter denne gangen. Strikket av Drops Merino Extra Fine. Oppskriften fant jeg hos Smuleblogg og de heter Myke bølgevotter.
There is not much time for crafts in these busy days before Christmas. Just some small knitting for the "Knitting world's ABC". For the letter V I made cute little baby mittens (votter) this time. Knitted of Drops Merino Extra Fine. I found the pattern at Smuleblogg and they are called Soft Wave Mittens.
Jeg har også strikka for W. Jeg strikka pulsvarmere til å bruke når jeg kjører bil. De heter Winterfair Mitts. Helt enkle å strikke med god passform til å holde i rattet. De er strikka av Viking Superwash. Mønsteret er laget av Nancy Lutz på Ravelry.
I have also knitted for W. I knitted fingerless gloves to use when I am driving. They are called Winterfair Mitts. Simple to knit with a good fit. They are knitted with Viking Superwash. The pattern is made by Nancy Lutz at Ravelry.
På søndag var det pepperkakebaking. Yngste sønn og kjæresten var med og vi hadde det veldig koselig.
On Sunday youngest son and his girlfriend were here to bake gingerbread cookies. Very nice.
Med pepperkakehus juksa jeg litt og kjøpte et ferdig byggesett som de pynta.
I was cheating a bit with the gingerbread house and bought a ready kit which they decorated.
torsdag 9. desember 2010
Nå blir det mye vinterbilder på bloggen, men jeg lar disse bildene tale for seg - fantastisk vakkert! Nyt dem!
Now it's much winter photos on my blog, but I let these pictures speak for themselves - amazing beautiful!
These pictures are a special greeting to my readers in other countries without snow! Enjoy!
Now it's much winter photos on my blog, but I let these pictures speak for themselves - amazing beautiful!
These pictures are a special greeting to my readers in other countries without snow! Enjoy!
Disse bildene er fra Vister, ca 10 minutters kjøring fra byen.
These pictures are from Vister, at the countryside about 10 minutes drive from town.
mandag 6. desember 2010
Vinter og pakke i posten / Winter and mail
I oktober vant jeg en give away hos Kathy's Quilt. Denne gangen har posten tatt seg god tid på transporten, men så lenge det kommer vel fram er alt bra. Se så mye fint pakken inneholdt- et flott quiltet høstveggbilde, fine stoffer i lekre høst farger, en charm pack, fine knapper og deilig sjokolade. Selv om vinteren har kommet nå må jeg henge opp høstbildet en liten stund før julepynten! Jeg er kjempeglad for alt det fine i denne pakka. Tusen takk Kathy!
In October, I won a giveaway at Kathy's Quilt. This time the mail used a long time on the way, but as long as it's arrives safely all is well. Look how much goodies the package contained - a great quilted fall wall hanging, fine fabrics in beautiful fall colors, a charm pack, nice buttons and delicious chocolate. Even though winter has come now I have to hang up the fall wall hanging a little while before the Christmas decorations! I am so happy for all the nice prizes! Thanks Kathy!
I går kom det mer snø så i dag er det skikkelig vinter og julestemning ute! Det var så vakkert med snø, sol og blå himmel. Yesterday we got more snow so today it is really winter and Christmas feeling! It was so beautiful with snow, sun and blue sky.
Men kvelden kommer tidlig på denne tida og da klokka var tre begynte det å bli gylden kveldsol.
But the day is short at this time of year so already at 15pm the sun was golden evening sun.
Og ved halv fem tida var det den blå timen. And by 16.30 it was the blue hour.
lørdag 4. desember 2010
Clothildesjal og litt av hvert /Clothilde shawl and some more
Endelig ble det litt håndarbeidsbilder her også. Jeg ble så begeistra for det første Clothildesjalet jeg strikka så jeg har strikka et til som jeg skal gi bort i julegave. Dette Clothildesjalet er strikka i Malabrigo sock. Fargen er Caribeno og er favorittfargen min, men jeg har ennå ikke strikka noe til meg selv av den. Det er strikka på pinner 3,5. Oppskriften finner du her.
Finally it was time for some craft pictures here too. I liked the first Clothildesjalet I knitted so much, so I knitted one more which I shall give away for Christmas. This Clothilde shawl is made of Malabrigo sock. The color is Caribeno and is my favorite color, but I still have not knitted anything for myself of it. It's knitting needles 3.5. The pattern is here.

It has stopped up a bit with the KALs I'm in, like it often happens to be :) But at least I have knit a pair of Owl Mittens for the letter U in the Strikkeverdenens ABC 2010. Owl is Ugle in Norwegian. They are knitted in Alaska, delicious thick yarn, and they fit to me. The pattern is called Give a Hoot and is free. Actually, there should be buttons for eyes, but I like them better without.
Og så har jeg fått dilla på å lage islykter! Her er den første jeg laga, fylte vann i ei bøtte og putta ei mindre bøtte oppi med en stein i. Dytta ned noen kvister, noen bær fra en busk og noen frøkapsler langs kanten. Jeg syns det ble veldig fint! Både dekorativt i dagslys og om kvelden med et lys inni. Bildet fra kvelden er ikke helt bra, jeg er ikke noen ekspert på slik fotografering, her går det på automatinnstilling. Jeg har laget en lykt til som står til frysing nå. Kjekt å benytte kulda til noe hyggelig!
And then I have got hooked on making ice lanterns! Here's the first I made, I filled the water in a bucket and put a smaller bucket inside with a stone in. Pushed down some branches and some berries from a bush along the edge. I think it looks very nice! Both decorative in daylight and at night with a candle inside. The picture from the evening is not quite good, I'm no expert on photography so, here it goes on automatic mode. I have made one more which is freezing now. Nice to use the cold weather to something nice!
På morgenen idag oppdaget vi en sjelden gjest på fuglebrettet her hos oss. En nydelig dompapp. Jeg prøvde å ta bilde gjennom vinduet, men kameraet mitt har ikke god nok zoom. Men da jeg så på bildet mitt oppdaget jeg at det var 2 dompapper! Min kjære tok bilde etterpå med sitt kamera, men han fikk bare med en fugl, selv om hans bilde er bedre!
This morning we discovered a rare guest on the birdfeeder here with us. A beautiful bullfinks. I tried to take pictures through the window, but my camera does not have enough zoom. But when I looked on my picture I discovered that there were 2 bullfinks! My dear took pictures afterwards with his camera, but he only got one bird, even if his picture is better!
Strikkeverdenens ABC 2010,
fredag 3. desember 2010
Det kommer snart litt mer håndarbeidsbilder også! Men fikk lyst til å vise noen bilder fra skogen hvor jeg og min kjære ofte går tur. Det er så vakkert nå om dagen med fin sol og litt snø. Sola er ganske lav, kommer så vidt over tretoppene. Litt kaldt er det, idag var det -10grader da vi gikk. Naturen er vakker til alle årstider.
I will soon show more pictures of projects I have done, but till then I wanted to show some photos from the woods where I and my dear often go for a walk. It is so beautiful these days with nice sun and some snow. The sun is very low at the sky now. It is a little cold , today it wast -10 C or 14 F, when we went. Nature is beautiful in all seasons.
I will soon show more pictures of projects I have done, but till then I wanted to show some photos from the woods where I and my dear often go for a walk. It is so beautiful these days with nice sun and some snow. The sun is very low at the sky now. It is a little cold , today it wast -10 C or 14 F, when we went. Nature is beautiful in all seasons.
mandag 29. november 2010
Jul på Borgarsyssel museum / Christmas at Borgarsyssel museum
I forbindelse med julegateåpning og tenning av juletreet på Torget på lørdag var det også jul på Borgarsyssel museum her i Sarpsborg.
In connection with the lighting of the Christmas tree and Christmas streets on Saturday , there was also Christmas on Borgarsyssel museum here in Sarpsborg.

Velkommen inn til sorenskrivergården Snekkenes!
Welcome to the county farm Snekkenes!

I Werenskjold-salen var det pyntet et juletre slik det var beskrevet i et julehefte fra 1892, med blant annet epler, gulrøtter, levende lys, kremmerhus og sommerfugler. Og tynne gulltråder. På denne tiden var juletre noe som bare ble brukt hos de rike. In the Werenskjold hall there was decorated a Christmas tree as it was described in a Christmas magazine from 1892. There was apples, carrots, candles, cones and butterflies. And thin gold threads. At this time the Christmastree was only used by the rich people.
I et annet rom var det dekket opp til kaffe med alle sju slaga. Legg merke til den fine duken, Juletreet her er pyntet med moderne lys og glassdekorasjoner produsert av en kunstner i glassblåseriet på museet. In another room the table was laid for coffee' with Christmas cookies, after the tradition there should be seven kind of cookies. Notice the beautiful table cloth. The Christmas tree here were decorated with electric lights and glass ornaments made by an artist at the glassworks at the museum.
I Berbystua var det julaften formiddag anno 1865. Bordet var pyntet til jul med fin hvit duk og talglys. Gulvet var skurt og strødd med oppkuttet granbar. På bordet lå det ei Såkake. Den ble bakt av mel fra det siste kornet som ble høstet. Den skulle ligge urørt på bordet gjennom hele jula, og gjemmes til våronna. En bit av såkaka ble da sådd sammen med kornet. På den måten skulle det gamle årets vekst overføres til neste avling.
In the Berby House it was Christmas Eve morning the year 1865. The table was decorated for Christmas with a nice white tablecloth and candles. The floor was cleand and spread with chopped pine needles. On the table is a Sowcake. It was baked from flour from the last grain that was harvested. It should remain untouched on the table throughout the Christmas season, and be saved for spring. Then a bit of the sowcake was sown with the seeds. That way should the last year's growth be transferred to the next crop.
Utenfor låven var det satt opp fuglenek, og over døra til fjøset var det tegnet et kors med kritt for å beskytte dyra. Outside the barn there was put up sheaves for the birds, and over the door into the barn was painted a cross with chalk to protect the animals.
1950tallet / 1950's
I tiden etter krigen var det boligmangel og mange bodde trangt. Her er en leilighet fra 1950 tallet med både sofa og senger i stua. Med liten plass måtte også juletreet være lite. After the second world war there was a lack of houses and many people had to live in very small apartments. Here's an apartment from 1950's with both sofa and bed in the living room. With limited space the Christmas tree had to be small too.
In connection with the lighting of the Christmas tree and Christmas streets on Saturday , there was also Christmas on Borgarsyssel museum here in Sarpsborg.

Velkommen inn til sorenskrivergården Snekkenes!
Welcome to the county farm Snekkenes!

I Werenskjold-salen var det pyntet et juletre slik det var beskrevet i et julehefte fra 1892, med blant annet epler, gulrøtter, levende lys, kremmerhus og sommerfugler. Og tynne gulltråder. På denne tiden var juletre noe som bare ble brukt hos de rike. In the Werenskjold hall there was decorated a Christmas tree as it was described in a Christmas magazine from 1892. There was apples, carrots, candles, cones and butterflies. And thin gold threads. At this time the Christmastree was only used by the rich people.
I et annet rom var det dekket opp til kaffe med alle sju slaga. Legg merke til den fine duken, Juletreet her er pyntet med moderne lys og glassdekorasjoner produsert av en kunstner i glassblåseriet på museet. In another room the table was laid for coffee' with Christmas cookies, after the tradition there should be seven kind of cookies. Notice the beautiful table cloth. The Christmas tree here were decorated with electric lights and glass ornaments made by an artist at the glassworks at the museum.
På kjøkkenet var en dame i sving med å steke deilige, sprø Rosettbakkels.
In the kitchen was a lady busy cooking delicious, crispy Rosettbakkels.
In the Berby House it was Christmas Eve morning the year 1865. The table was decorated for Christmas with a nice white tablecloth and candles. The floor was cleand and spread with chopped pine needles. On the table is a Sowcake. It was baked from flour from the last grain that was harvested. It should remain untouched on the table throughout the Christmas season, and be saved for spring. Then a bit of the sowcake was sown with the seeds. That way should the last year's growth be transferred to the next crop.
Utenfor låven var det satt opp fuglenek, og over døra til fjøset var det tegnet et kors med kritt for å beskytte dyra. Outside the barn there was put up sheaves for the birds, and over the door into the barn was painted a cross with chalk to protect the animals.
1950tallet / 1950's
I tiden etter krigen var det boligmangel og mange bodde trangt. Her er en leilighet fra 1950 tallet med både sofa og senger i stua. Med liten plass måtte også juletreet være lite. After the second world war there was a lack of houses and many people had to live in very small apartments. Here's an apartment from 1950's with both sofa and bed in the living room. With limited space the Christmas tree had to be small too.
Det ser ut til at det var populært å brodere duker og løpere til pynt.
It looks like it was popular to embroider table cloths and runners.
lørdag 27. november 2010
Sjal og gevinst / Shawl and winning
Her er et sjal jeg har strikket etter oppskrift fra Drops, men jeg avslutta tidligere enn etter oppskriften for jeg ville ikke ha det så stort. Dette skal bli en julegave. Garnet er Delight . Har lest om mange som ikke liker å strikke med det garnet, men jeg syntes det var helt greit. Det er så nydelige fargesjatteringer i det, og det ble lett og fint. Det var egentlig ferdig for et par uker siden, men har glemt å ta bilde før nå. Enkelt å strikke så det passet veldig fint som strikketøy på bussen Oslo/Arendal og tilbake (4 timer hver vei), da jeg var en tur på Sørlandet. På turen nedover kom det på en dame og satte seg ved siden av meg. Og tror du ikke hun tok fram strikketøy! Akkurat da spiste jeg nista mi så jeg hadde ikke mitt strikketøy framme så hun visste ikke at jeg også strikka. Men da var det jo litt morsomt når jeg tok fram mitt strikketøy også :) Ikke så ofte at jeg tilfeldig kommer ved siden av en annen strikker på bussen!
Here is a shawl I have knitted from a Drops pattern, but I made it smaller than the pattern. I would not have it so big. This will be a Christmas gift for someone. It is knitted with the yarn Delight. Have read about many who do not like to knit with that yarn, but I thought it was okay. It has so beautiful shades of color, and it became light and pleasant. It was actually finished a couple of weeks ago, but forgot to take pictures until now. Easy to knit so it was very nice as knitting on the bus Oslo / Arendal and back (4 hours each way), when I was a trip to Sørlandet. On the way to Arendal a lady sat down beside me. And can you believe it, she picked up her knitting! Just when she came I ate my lunch pack and did not have my knitting up so she did not know that I knitted. But then it was a bit funny when I took out my knitting too:) Not too often that I randomly come next to another knitter on the bus!
Og så har jeg jo vært heldig å vinne en give away igjen også. Denne gangen fikk jeg pakke fra Lois i USA. Hun har heklet et nydelig koksgrått skjerf. Hun hadde fått garnet fra en venninne i Norge, så garnet til skjerfet har faktisk først reist fra Norge til USA, og kom altså nå tilbake :) Hun har også heklet tre søte kalorifrie muffins, en med "sitronglasur", en med "bringebærglasur", og en med "karamell og sjokoladeglasur", og en kjempesøt liten skilpadde som heter Tillie. Tusen takk Lois!
And I have been lucky to win a giveaway again too.This time I got a package from Lois in the U.S. She has crocheted a beautiful charcoal scarf. She had got the yarn from a friend in Norway, so the yarn to the scarf actually has traveled from Norway to the United States, and now back to Norway :) She also crocheted three sweet zero calorie cupcakes. One has "lemon-lime icing," one has "raspberry icing," and one has "caramel and chocolate icing", and the cutest little turtle named Tillie. Thank you Lois!
Here is a shawl I have knitted from a Drops pattern, but I made it smaller than the pattern. I would not have it so big. This will be a Christmas gift for someone. It is knitted with the yarn Delight. Have read about many who do not like to knit with that yarn, but I thought it was okay. It has so beautiful shades of color, and it became light and pleasant. It was actually finished a couple of weeks ago, but forgot to take pictures until now. Easy to knit so it was very nice as knitting on the bus Oslo / Arendal and back (4 hours each way), when I was a trip to Sørlandet. On the way to Arendal a lady sat down beside me. And can you believe it, she picked up her knitting! Just when she came I ate my lunch pack and did not have my knitting up so she did not know that I knitted. But then it was a bit funny when I took out my knitting too:) Not too often that I randomly come next to another knitter on the bus!
Og så har jeg jo vært heldig å vinne en give away igjen også. Denne gangen fikk jeg pakke fra Lois i USA. Hun har heklet et nydelig koksgrått skjerf. Hun hadde fått garnet fra en venninne i Norge, så garnet til skjerfet har faktisk først reist fra Norge til USA, og kom altså nå tilbake :) Hun har også heklet tre søte kalorifrie muffins, en med "sitronglasur", en med "bringebærglasur", og en med "karamell og sjokoladeglasur", og en kjempesøt liten skilpadde som heter Tillie. Tusen takk Lois!
And I have been lucky to win a giveaway again too.This time I got a package from Lois in the U.S. She has crocheted a beautiful charcoal scarf. She had got the yarn from a friend in Norway, so the yarn to the scarf actually has traveled from Norway to the United States, and now back to Norway :) She also crocheted three sweet zero calorie cupcakes. One has "lemon-lime icing," one has "raspberry icing," and one has "caramel and chocolate icing", and the cutest little turtle named Tillie. Thank you Lois!
Give away,
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