På forumet Trådsnella ble det snakket om bruk av handlenett istedenfor plastposer.
Jeg tok utfordringen og fant noe kraftig bomullstoff som jeg hadde igjen etter å ha
sydd puter til sønnen vår. Det var kraftig mønstret og jeg har ikke visst hva jeg skulle
bruke det til. Det var tre biter, to av dem passet akkurat i størrelsen til nett, og den tredje
var akkurat nok til å klippe til håndtak og kant oppe. Jeg fikk brukt opp alt stoffet! Så nå har
jeg fargerike handlenett!
On Trådsnella there has been a talk about using shopping bags instead of plastic bags
when shopping. I took the challenge and found some cotton fabric I had after making some
pillows for our son. I didn't know what to use it for. There was three pieces, two of them had
just the right size for bags, and the third was just enough to cut the handles. I got used all the fabric! So nowI have really colourful shopping bags!
How scandinavian they are!! this fabric resembles those from IKEA! eheh. It's a great idea, I also use a big bag instead of plastic bags, but the problem is that I often forget to bring it!! My bag is a plastic one, I don't know if I'm able to sew a bag strong enough for shopping..do yuo use normal stitches?
SvarSlettbye bye!
Great bags, and the fabric is very happy....