Det var en god forklaring på hvordan den skulle lages. Jeg målte litt feil da jeg skulle plassere håndtakene så de kom litt langt ut på siden, men det fungerer bra likevel.
There is so much inspiration and many nice free patterns to find around the web. This week I made a toiletry bag. I found the pattern by Heidi Staples blog Fabric Mutt. She also has several other patterns / tutorials on the blog, so take a look for inspiration.
It was a good explanation of how it should be made. I did a little mistake when I measured where to put the handles so they got a little far out, but it works great anyway.
Litt strikking har det også blitt, en oppvaskklut. Mønsteret er fra Bittamis design og kan finnes på Ravelry. Den heter Bird Cherry. Jeg strikket den i Tuva fra Europris på pinner 3mm. I have also knitted one dishcloth. The pattern is from Bittamis design and you can find it at Ravelry. It is called Bird Cherry.

I disse OL-tider fra Russland fant jeg oppskrift på russiske piroger på NRK-mat. Disse er fylt med kål, gulrøtter og kokt egg. Og de er bakt med mye fullkornsmel, så de er nok sunne også :) Smakte deilig og var enkle å lage. In these Olympic times from Russia, I found the recipe for Russian pirogues on NRK food. These are filled with cabbage, carrots and boiled eggs. And they are baked with much of wholemeal flour, so they are probably healthy too :) Tasted delicious and were easy to make.